Definisi mengajar
Pengertian umum yang
dipahami orang terutama mereka yang awam dalam bidang-bidang studi
kependidikan, ialah bahwa mengajar itu merupakan penyampaian pengetahuan dan
kebudayaan kepada siswa. Dengan demikian, tujuannya pun hanya berkisar sekitar
pencapaian penguasaan siswa atas sejumlah pengetahuan dan kebudayaan. Dari
pengertian semacam ini timbul gambaran bahwa peranan dalam proses pengajaran
hanya dipegang oleh guru, sedangkan murid dibiarkan pasif.
Adapun pengertian
mengajar menurut para tokoh, diantaranya yaitu :
Ø Arifin (1978) mendefinisikan mengajar sebagai “ . . . suatu rangkaian
kegiatan penyampaian bahan pelajaran kepada murid agar dapat menerima,
menanggapi, menguasai, dan mengembangkan bahan pelajaran itu.
Ø Tyson dan carol, setelah mempelajari secara seksama sejumlah teori
pelajaran, menyimpulkan bahwa mengajar ialah . . . a way working with student .
. . a process of interaction . . . the teacher does something to student; the
student do something in return. Sehubungan dengan definisi itu, Tyson dan
Caroll menetapkan sebuah syarat yakni, apabila interaksi antarpersonal (guru
dan siswa) di dalam kelas terjadi baik, maka kegiatan belajar akan terjadi.
Sebaliknya jika interaksi guru-siswa buruk, maka kegiatan belajar siswa pun
tidak akan terjadi atau mungkin terjadi tetapi tidak sesuai dengan harapan.
Ø Tadrif mendefinisikan mendefinisiskan secara lebih sederhana tetapi
cukup komperehensif dengan menyatakan bahwa mengajar itu pada prinsipnya adalah
. . . any action performed by an individual (the teacher) with the intention of
facilitating learning in another individual (the learner). Kata the teacher and
the learner dalam definisi ini semata-mata hanya sebagai contoh yang mewakili
dua individu yang sedang berinteraksi dalam proses pengajaran. Jadi, interaksi
antar-individu di luar definisi tadi juga bisa terjadi, mialnya antara orang
tua dengan anak atau antara kiai dengan santri.
Ø Biggs, seorang pakar psikologi kognitif masa kini, membagi konsep
mengajar dalam tiga macam pengertian.
Pengertian kuantitatif (yang
menyangkut jumlah pengetahuan yang diajarkan)
mengajar berarti the transmission of knowledge. Dalam hal ini guru hanya perlu
menguasai pengetahuan bidang studinya dan menyiapkan kepada siswa dengan
sebaik-baiknya. Di luar itu, kalau prilaku belajar siswa tidak memadai atau
gagal mencapai hasil yang diharapkan, maka kesalahan ditimpakan kepada siswa.
Jadi, kegagalan dianggap semata-mata karena siswa sendiri yang kurang
kemampuan, kurang motivasi, atau kurang persiapan.
Pengertian institusional (yang
menyangkut kelembagaan atau sekolah)
Mengajar berarti . . . the efficient orchestration of teaching
skills. Dalam pengertian ini guru dituntun untuk selalu siap mengadaptasikan
berbagai teknik mengajar untuk bermacam-macam siswa yang berbeda bakat,
kemampuan, dan kebutuhannya
Pengertian kualitatif (yang
menyangkut mutu hasil yang ideal)
Mengajar berarti the facilitation of learning. Dalam hal ini, guru
tidak menjejalkan pengetahuan kepada murid , tetapi melibatkannya dalam
aktivitas belajar yang efisien dan efektif agar siswa belajar dalam arti
membentuk makna dan pemahamannya sendiri. Pengajaran kualitatif ini lebih
terpusat pada siswa (student centered), sedangkan pengajaran kuantitatif lebih
terpusat pada guru (teacher centered). Dalam pendekatan pengajaran
institusional pun sesungguhnya masih mengandung cirri pemusatan pada guru,
namun tidak seekstrem pendekatan pengajaran kuantitatif.
Dari bermacam-macam definisi yang telah dijelasakan di atas, maka
dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa mengajar itu pada intinya mengarah pada
timbulnya prilaku belajar siswa.
Pandangan-pandangan pokok
mengenai Mengajar
Mengajar sebagai ilmu
ahli memandang mengajar sebagai ilmu. Oleh karenanya, guru merupakan sosok
pribadi manusia yang memang sengaja dibangun untuk menjadi tenaga professional
yang memiliki profisiensi (berpengetahuan dan berkemampuan tinggi) dalam dunia
pendidikan yang berkompeten untuk melakukan tugas mengajar.
Siapa pun, asal memiliki profisiensi
dalam bidang ilmu pendidikan akan mampu melakukan perbuatan mengajar dengan
baik. Penguasaan seorang guru atas materi pelajaran bidang tugasnya adalah juga
penting, tetapi yang lebih penting ialah penguasaannya atas ilmu-ilmu yang
berhubungan dengan tugas mengajarnya. Dari uraian di atas, jelas bahwa aliran
ini memiliki gagasan yang sama dengan kelompok behaviorisme yaitu teacher are built not born yang bersumber
dari men are built not born.
Aliran yang memandang mengajar
sebagai ilmun diilhami oleh teori perkembangan klasik yang disebut empirisme yang
dipelopori oleh John Locke (1632-1704). Menurut teori ini pembawaan dan bakat
yang diturunkan oleh orangtua tidak berpengaruh apa-apa terhadap pekembangan
kehidupan sesorang, sebab pada dasarnya setiap manusia pasti lahir dalam
keadaan kosong. Hendak menjadi apa manusia itu kelak setelah dewasa, bergantung
pada lingkungan dan pengalamannya, terutama lingkungan dan pengalaman
belajarnya. Jadi, seorang anak manusia yang memperoleh peluang yang baik untuk
belajar ilmu pendidikan/keguruan, tebtu ia akan menjadi seorang guru yang
professional dalam mengajar, bukan menjadi petani walaupun kedua orangtuanya
petani sejati.
Mengajar sebagai seni
ahli lainnya memandang bahwa mengajar adalah seni, bukan ilmu. Oleh karenanya,
tidak semua orang berilmu (termasuk orang yang berilmu pendidikan) bisa menjadi
guru yang piawai dalam hal mengajar. Menurut aliran ini, sesorang hanya dapat
mengajar dengan baik semata-mata karena bakat yang dimilikinya. Dengan kata
lain, orang itu menjadi guru (yang kompeten dan professional) karena ia telah
ditakdirkan lahir sebagai seorang guru.
contoh, terkadang kita saksikan ada seorang guru agama atau bahkan seorang yang
terlanjur berpredikat ulama yang sama sekali tidak menarik dan membosankan
ketika ia berceramah atau berdiskusi mengenai masalah keagamaan. Sementara, ada
seorang pengajar madrasah yang hanya berpredikat santri biasa dan tidak pernah
mengikuti sekolah keguruan tetapi ternyata berhasil menjadi guru agama yang
baik. Hal ini dikarenakan santri itu cukup piawai dalam mentrasfer pengetahuan,
sikap, dan keterampilan keagamaannya kepada murid-muridnya. Setiap mengajar, ia
selalu berpenampilan menarik dan selalu berbeda dalam gaya dan cara penyampaian aneka ragam pokok
bahasan pelajaran yang menjadi tugasnya. Sehingga, murid-muridnya tidak pernah
merasa bosan atau merasa terpaksa mengikuti proses belajar dan mengajar yang
dipimpin oleh “guru santri” tersebut.
yang menganggap mengajar sebagai seni ini mengacu pada bakat sejak lahir tidak
berbeda dengan gagasan teacher are born, not built. Dalam hal ini, orang dapat
menjadi guru yang baik atau guru yang buruk bukan karena hasil belajarnya
melainkan karena potensi yang ia bawa sejak lahir. Aliran ini menimbulkan
anggapan yang ekstrem bahwa profesi mengajar itu tak dapat dipelajari, atau
dengan kata lain sia-sia saja orang mempelajari ilmu keguruan kalau ia tak
mempunyai bakat. Aliran ini sama dengan aliran nativisme yang dipelopori oleh
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) yang telah menimbulkan “pesimisme pedagogis”
yang mengesampingkan arti penting upaya pendidikan.
Proses Pengajaran yang efektif
Proses pembelajaran
berlangsung melalui interaksi antara guru dan peserta didik (siswa) dalam
situasi pengajaran yang bersifat edukatif. Melalui proses pembelajaran, siswa
akan berkembang ke arah pembentukan manusia sebagaimana tersirat dalam tujuan
pendidikan. Supaya pembelajaran dapat berlangsung secara efektif, guru harus
mampu mewujudkan proses pembelajaran dalan suasana kondusif. Proses pengajaran
yang efektif terbentuk melalui pengajaran yang memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai
Berpusat pada siswa
Dalam keseluruhan
kegiatan proses pembelajaran, siswa merupakan subjek utama. Oleh karena itu,
dalam proses ini, hendaknya siswa menjadi perhatian utama dari para guru. Semua
bentuk aktivitas hendaknya diarahkan untuk membantu perkembangan siswa.
Keberhasilan proses pembelajaran, terletak dalam perwujudan diri siswa sebagai
pribadi mandiri, pelajar efektif, dan pekerja produktif.
Interaksi edukatif antara guru
dengan siswa
Dalam proses
pembelajaran, hendaknya terjalin hubungan yang bersifat edukatif. Guru tidak
hanya sekedar penyampai bahan yang harus dipelajari, tetapi sebagai figure yang
dapat merangsang perkembangan pribadi siswa. Interaksi antara guru dengan siswa
hendaknya berdasarkan sentuhan-sentuhan psikologis, yaitu adanya saling
pemahaman antara guru dengan siswa. Rasa percaya diri dapat ditumbuhkan dengan
cara seperti itu.
Suasana demokratis
Suasana demokratis dalam
kelas akan banyak memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berlatih mewujudkan
dan mengembangkan hak dan kewajibannya. Suasana demokatis dapat dikembangkan
dalam prose pembelajaran melalui hubungan guru dengan siswa. Dalam suasana
demokratis, semua pihak memperoleh penghargaan sesuai dengan potensi dan
prestasinya sehingga dapat memupuk rasa percaya diri, dan pada gilirannya dapat
berinovasi dan berkreasi sesuai dengan kemampuannya masing-masing.
Variasi metode mengajar
Tidak satu pun metode
mengajar itu efektif untuk seluruh materi atau bahan pelajaran. Satu metode
mungkin cocok untuk bahan tertentu, tetapi tidak cocok untuk bahan yang lain.
Oleh sebab itu, guru harus bisa memilih metode yang tepat dan sesuai dengan
bahan yang diajarkan. Dengan perkataan lain, menggunakan metode mengajar yang
bervariasi. Dengan metode mengajar yang bervariasi, berarti guru tidak mengajar
dengan sstu metode saja, tetapi berganti-ganti sesuai dengan tujuan, bahan,
situasi, dan lain-lain. Dengan metode yang bervariasi akan menimbulkan rasa
senang pada siswa, tidak cepat bosan atau jenuh. Siswa pun akan bersemangat
untuk belajar, sehingga memungkinkan memperoleh hasil pembelajaran yang lebih
Guru professional
Proses pembelajaran yang
efektif, hanya mungkin bisa terwujud apabila dilaksanakan oleh guru
professional dan dijiwai semangat profesionalisme yang tinggi. Guru
professional adalah guru yang memiliki keahlian yang memadai, rasa tanggung
jawab yang tinggi, serta memiliki rasa kebersamaan dengan rekan sejawatnya.
Mereka mampu melaksanakan fungsi-fungsinya sebagai pendidik yang bertanggung
jawab mempersiapkan siswa bagi peranannya di masa depan. Dengan jiea
profesioanalisme, guru mencintai pekerjaannya dan melaksanakannya dengan penuh
dedikasi dan tanggung jawab.
Bahan yang sesuai dan
Bahan yang diajarkan guru
bersumber dari kurikulum yang telah ditetapkan secara relative baku . Tugas guru adalah
mengolah dan mengembangkan bahan pengajaran menjadi sajian yang dapat dicerna
oleh siswa secara tepat dan bermakna. Oleh sebab itu, bahan yang diajarkan
harus sesuai dengan kemampuan, kondisi siswa dan lingkungannya sehingga
memberikan makna dan faedah bagi siswa. Dengan bahan yang dirasakan sesuai dan
berfaedah atau bermanfaat, siswa akan melakukan aktifitas pembelajaran dengan
lebih bergairah.
Lingkungan yang kondusif
Keberhasilan proses
pembelajaran, sangat ditentukan oleh factor lingkungan. Upaya menciptakan
lingkungan kondisif bagi tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran dan pengajaran sangat
penting. Lingkungan yang kondusif adalah lingkungan yang dapat menunjang bagi
proses pembelajaran secara efektif.
Sarana belajar yang menunjang
Proses pembelajaran akan
berlangsung secara efektif apabila ditunjang oleh sarana yang baik. Sarana
belajar yang secara langsung terkait dengan proses pembelajaran adalah alat
Bantu mengajar. Jenis alat Bantu mengajar sangat beragam dari sederhana hingga
yang kompleks. Selain itu, ada sarana lain seperti laboratorium, aula, lapangan
olahraga, perpustakaan. Mengingat banyaknya alat Bantu mengajar, maka guru
harus memilih jenis alat mana yang benar-benar sesuai dan menunjang kegiatan
pengajaran. Untuk menentukan alat mana yang sesuai dan menunjang kegiatan
pembelajaran, mestilah melihat tujuan, bahan, metode, dan situasi pengajaran.
Versi inggris:
The definition of teaching
Who understood the common sense of
people, especially those who lay in the fields of educational studies, is that
teaching is the delivery of knowledge and culture to students. Thus, the goal
was simply about achieving the mastery of students ranged over a number of
knowledge and cultural. From this notion arose that the
role of illustration in the teaching process is only held by teachers, while
the student is left passive.
The notion of teaching
according to the figures, among them are:
(1978) defines teaching as ". . . a series of lesson delivery of materials
to students in order to receive, respond to, control, and developing materials
that lesson.
and carol (1970), after studying carefully the theory of lessons, concluded
that teaching is. . . way working with a student. . . a process of interaction.
. . the teacher does something to the student, the student do something in
return. In connection with that definition,
Tyson and Carroll set a condition, that is if the interpersonal interaction
(teacher and student) occurs both in the classroom, then learning will occur.
Conversely, if the interaction of teacher-student are bad, then the learning
activities of students would not have happened or might happen but not in line
with expectations.
Tadrif (1989) defines more simple but comprehensive
enough to declare that it is principally teaching. . . any action performed by an individual (the teacher)
with the intention of facilitating learning in another individual (the
learner). Said the teacher and the learner in this definition solely as an
example that represents two individuals who are interacting in the teaching
process. Thus, the interaction between individuals outside of the
definition could also happen, example between parent and child or between
scholars with students.
Biggs (1991), an expert on contemporary cognitive
psychology, dividing the concepts taught in three kinds of understanding.
a. Quantitative
understanding (which involves the amount of knowledge taught)
That is, teaching means the transmission of knowledge. In this case teachers only need to master the knowledge in the field studies and prepare the students with the best. Beyond that, if students' learning behaviors are inadequate or fail to achieve expected results, then the error imposed on the students. Thus, the failure is considered solely because of his own students who lack skills, lack of motivation, or lack of preparation.
That is, teaching means the transmission of knowledge. In this case teachers only need to master the knowledge in the field studies and prepare the students with the best. Beyond that, if students' learning behaviors are inadequate or fail to achieve expected results, then the error imposed on the students. Thus, the failure is considered solely because of his own students who lack skills, lack of motivation, or lack of preparation.
b. Understanding the
institutional (involving institutional or school)
Teaching means. . . the efficient orchestration of teaching skills. In this sense the teacher is guided to always be ready to adapt various teaching techniques for various students who have difference in talents, abilities and needs
Teaching means. . . the efficient orchestration of teaching skills. In this sense the teacher is guided to always be ready to adapt various teaching techniques for various students who have difference in talents, abilities and needs
c. Understanding
qualitative (quality of results concerning the ideal)
Teaching means the Facilitation of learning. In this case, teachers are not cramming knowledge to the students, but engage in learning activities in an efficient and effective so that students learn in the sense of meaning and form his own understanding. This qualitative teaching more centered to the student (student centered), while quantitative teaching more focused on teacher (teacher centered). In the institutional approach to teaching was actually still contain a focus on teacher characteristics, but not extreme quantitative approach to teaching.
Teaching means the Facilitation of learning. In this case, teachers are not cramming knowledge to the students, but engage in learning activities in an efficient and effective so that students learn in the sense of meaning and form his own understanding. This qualitative teaching more centered to the student (student centered), while quantitative teaching more focused on teacher (teacher centered). In the institutional approach to teaching was actually still contain a focus on teacher characteristics, but not extreme quantitative approach to teaching.
From the various
definitions that have been explained above, it can be concluded that teaching
was essentially lead to the emergence of student learning behavior.
2. Basic views about teaching
2. Basic views about teaching
There are two kinds of flow of different views in the
view of teaching process.
1) Teaching as a science
experts look at teaching as a science. Therefore, the teacher is the figure of
the human person who was deliberately built to be professionals who have
proficiency (knowledgeable and highly capable) in the education of competent to
perform teaching duties.
as long as a proficiency in science education will be able to do anything to
teach it well. Mastery of a teacher of the
subject matter of their duties is also important, but more important is their
mastery of the sciences related to their teaching duties. From the above
description, it is clear that this school has the same idea with a group of
behaviorism that teacher are built not born who comes from men are built not
School which looked at teaching as a science inspired
by the classic theory of development is called empiricism pioneered by John
Locke (1632-1704). According to this theory, innate and talent which is derived
by the parent does not affect anything in development of someone's life,
because basically every human being must be born in a state of empty. About to become what it later as an adult human being, depending on
the environment and experiences, especially the environment and learning
experiences. So a human child who obtained a
better opportunity to learn science education / teaching, he would become a
professional teacher in teaching, not to be a farmer even though both parents
were real farmers.
2) Teaching as an art
Some other experts view that teaching is an art, not
science. Therefore, not all knowledgeable people (including the knowledgeable
education) can be an excellent teacher in terms of teaching. According to this
school, someone can only teach well simply because the talent they have. In other words, that person becomes a teacher (a competent and
professional) because he had been destined as a born teacher.
For example, sometimes we see there is a teacher of religion or even a cleric who already predicate completely uninteresting and boring when he was lecturing or discussing religious issues. Meanwhile, there was a teacher in madrasah who only predicate scholars and never followed the formal school for teacher training but it did become a good religious teacher. This is because the students were quite versed in the transfer of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of their religion to the students. Every teaching, he is always interesting and always look different in style and delivery ways of a variety the subject of the lessons that was his duties. Thus, his students never feel bored or feel forced to follow the process of learning and teaching led by the "teacher scholars " were.
For example, sometimes we see there is a teacher of religion or even a cleric who already predicate completely uninteresting and boring when he was lecturing or discussing religious issues. Meanwhile, there was a teacher in madrasah who only predicate scholars and never followed the formal school for teacher training but it did become a good religious teacher. This is because the students were quite versed in the transfer of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of their religion to the students. Every teaching, he is always interesting and always look different in style and delivery ways of a variety the subject of the lessons that was his duties. Thus, his students never feel bored or feel forced to follow the process of learning and teaching led by the "teacher scholars " were.
School which considers the teaching as art refers to a
talent since birth did not differ with ideas teacher are born, not built. In this case, people can become a good teacher or bad teacher is not
because the results of their study but because of the potential that he carried
since birth. This school causes the extreme
assumption that the teaching profession can not be learned, or in other words
useless people learn science teacher if he does not have the talent. Is equal
to the school stream nativism pioneered by Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) that
has caused "pedagogical pessimism" that override the importance of
educational efforts.
- Effective
teaching process
Learning process took place through the interaction
between teachers and learners (students) in a teaching situation is instructive.
Through the learning process, students will develop in the direction of human
creation, as implied in the objectives of education. So that learning can take
place effectively, teachers must be able to create an atmosphere conducive role
in the learning process. The process of effective
teaching that have formed through the teaching of the following
In the overall
activities of the learning process, the student is the main subject. Therefore, in this process, students should become the
main concerns of the teachers. All forms of activity should be directed
to assist the development of students. The
success of the learning process, situated in a private self-realization of
students as independent, effective learners, and productive workers.
2) Educative interactions
between teachers and students
the process of learning, that our relationships should be instructive. Teachers are not just to deliver the material to be
learned, but as a figure who can stimulate personal development of the students.
Interaction between teachers and students should be based on
psychological touches, namely the existence of mutual understanding between
teachers and students. Confidence can be grown that way.
3) Democratic atmosphere
atmosphere in the classroom will provide many opportunities for students to
practice to realize and develop the rights and obligations. Democratic atmosphere can be developed in the learning
process is through a relationship teacher with student. In a democratic atmosphere,
all parties received an award in accordance with the potential and achievement,
so that can foster self-confidence, and in turn can innovate and be creative in
accordance with their respective capabilities.
4) Variation of teaching
None were
effective teaching methods for all materials or teaching materials. One method may be suitable for certain materials, but
not suitable for other materials. Therefore, teachers must be able to select
the method appropriate to the material being taught. In other words, using
varied teaching methods. With a variety of teaching methods, means that
teachers do not teach with one method, but alternated in accordance with the
objectives, materials, situations, and others. With
a variety of methods will generate pleasure in students, not quickly get bored
or fed up. Students also will be eager to study, making it possible obtain a
better learning outcomes.
5) Teacher professional
Effective learning process, just may be achieved if carried out by professional teachers and imbued by the spirit of professionalism is high. Professional teachers are teachers who have adequate skills, high sense of responsibility, and having a sense of community with colleagues. They were able to perform their functions as educators are responsible to prepare students for their role in the future. With the spirit of professionalism, teacher loved his job and do it with dedication and responsibility.
6) Appropriate and useful
Material that is taught by the
teachers sourced from the curriculum set by the relatively raw. The task of
teachers is to prepare and develop teaching materials to be presented that can
be digested by the students appropriately and meaningfully. Therefore, the
material should be taught according to ability, students and environmental
conditions that give meaning and benefits for students. With material that is
felt appropriate and useful or helpful, students will conduct instructional
activities more excited.
7) Conducive environment
The success of the learning process,
largely determined by environmental factors. Effort to create an conducive environment
for attainment of the objectives of learning and teaching is very important.
Conducive environment is the environment that can support the learning process
8) Learning tools that
The learning process will take place
effectively if supported by good infrastructure. Learning tools that are
directly related to the learning process is a tool of teaching. Teaching tool
types vary from simple to the complex. In addition, there are other facilities
such as laboratories, halls, sports fields, libraries. Considering the number
of teaching tool, the teachers must choose which type of tool that really fit
and support the teaching activities. To determine where the appropriate tools
and support learning activities, it must see the goals, materials, methods and
teaching situations.
DRS. TOHIRIN, M.S., M.Pd. 2005. Psikologi
Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Jakarta
: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
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